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Everything About Flutter App Development


A cross-platform toolkit like Flutter provides developers with a great solution. Can you imagine the workload for different platforms without such a toolkit? Flutter develops cross-platform applications at once without requiring separate coding for iOS and Android. According to Statista, 42% of developers globally use Flutter. It has now crossed the mark of the most popular cross-platform mobile framework.

More businesses are integrating Flutter into their current apps or creating new experiences with Flutter. You need to hire Flutter developers to produce user-friendly, scalable, aesthetically pleasing, and intuitive mobile apps.  Giants like Toyota, Google Ads, and Alibaba use Flutter uniquely to keep up their business.

These giant companies rely on Flutter to develop mobile, desktop, and online platforms!  It's a fantastic option for developing apps. Flutter has shown its practicality in creating high-demand mobile apps for various industries. You can rest assured that Flutter will always get support as Google has developed it.

Why Use Flutter for App Development?

Flutter is a portable UI toolkit for creating native-like apps for mobile, web, and desktop using a single codebase. It uses the Dart programming language and offers Cupertino widgets and Material Design. Developers using Flutter can produce stunning user interfaces that feel and look native. It usually operates on all platforms.

Evolution Of Flutter

Flutter has transformed developers’ capabilities with its progress. Dart language has also grown immensely with time.


“Sky” and Ran on 
the Android OS


Google announced Flutter release Preview 2


Flutter 1.0 was release


Flutter 1.12 was release


Dark SDK version 2.8 & Flutter 1.17.0 were released


Dark 2.14 & Flutter 2,5 were released by Google. The current Flutter is 3.2 & Dart version is 2.17.3

You can create robust apps using Flutter with minimal effort. As part of your app development and building, it helps create new or modify existing simple widgets. Flutter is an excellent MVP option. It can be a basis if you require an MVP for a startup.

Google supports it with a unique Google base. It is a cross-platform development tool that allows programmers to create desktop, mobile, and web apps using a single code base. So, here’s why you can use Flutter mobile apps. They operate quickly and fluidly without crashing while cutting or scrolling occurs in the background.

Why Use Flutter and not any other Software Development Kit (SDK)?

Assume a client wants an Android app. Flutter functions the best for them. Flutter opens the market for developing Android apps to many more ideas. It offers several capabilities for the iOS app market. For small and mid-sized businesses, it is a win-win situation.

This helps developers to avoid two independent developer teams for Android and iOS. This boosts the team's overall productivity and lowers expenses. A small team can complete the job and accelerate development.

Undoubtedly, the future of mobile app development relies on Flutter. With Flutter's one-end development and multi-end production functionality, teams can now concentrate on the mass creation of apps for any field.

How Does Flutter Benefit Your Business?

Fast and cost-friendly development : Making a cross-platform app with Flutter takes half as many hours as creating two separate native apps. While other frameworks make similar claims, Flutter gives you a very sophisticated MVP with an almost native-like look and performance.

Effortless Custom Design :  Flutter provides a fantastic option for creating apps with distinctive and memorable designs. Flutter requires less time for UI refining compared to other cross-platform solutions.

Exceptional App Performance :  The natively built code used by Flutter mobile apps eliminates the need for a JavaScript bridge. It converts Dart code to the platform's native code. This guarantees that despite having a motion-rich and customized UI, Flutter Android and iOS apps launch quickly and experience fewer performance concerns.

Innovative and Promising Technology : The Flutter SDK updates every three months to reflect new feature releases, stability, and performance enhancements. Google actively supports the Flutter project by curating and using it. You can rely on it to last a long time and be confident that it can keep up with the most modern Android and iOS platforms. Flutter has shown why it’s the Gen-next application development platform.

How is Flutter Better than Other Development Frameworks?

Unveiled by Google in 2017, Flutter shines bright in the developer community. Some frameworks that developers used before flutter have some challenges. If we compare these with

Flutter vs. React Native vs. Xamerin
vs. Ionic vs. Android Studio vs. Angular,

Flutter comes out on top. Comparatively speaking, Flutter performs better than its direct competitors in performance, particularly for ionic vs. flutter
It has incredible speed due to Dart's advantages. Flutter has the best user experience and excellent performance and efficiency.

Developers useXamarin and React Native internally. Cross-platform developers struggle with a lack of support for customizing native UI components.

Flutter solves this problem with its UI engine and components. Flutter apps have a consistent appearance across all devices.

Flutter Vs. Other Development Frameworks Compersion Chart

  FLUTTER React native FLUTTER IONIC Android Studio ANGULAR
Programming Languages Dart Javascript + Swift, Objective C or Java C# with .NET HTML5, CSS, JAVA Script, Typescript JAVA, Koltin, and C++ Typescript
Features Hot reload Cross-platform development Widget library Native performance Opne-source Write once and use everywherer UI focussed and good community Support for Third-party libraries NPM for Installation Live reload Native multiplatform support Close development deadline Choice of priorities Easy maintaenance -Code reusability Write once use everywhere Cross Platform Beautiful design Simplicity Cordova plugin Licence Framework compatibility Layout editor Teamplates Support KOTLIN Enabling Integration with firebase Emulator Cross platform development Maximum speed Scalability Simple and Interactive
Pricing Open- Source Open- Source Open-Source & paid as well Open-Source & paid as well Open-Source IDE Open-Source IDE

Why Should I Hire Flutter Developers from India?

Business owners and analysts usually look for quicker, flexible solutions to the market's shifting patterns and trends. The harsh and highly competitive industry has attracted new businesses and top brands. After all, everyone wants a rapid launch to reap benefits.

The top five markets for Flutter are the US, Brazil, the EU, China, and India. The pool of talent in India has the required skills and expertise, which is why the demand for outsourcing flutter developers has surged. However, before choosing a flutter app developer, you should confirm their industry experience.

You do want to ensure a timely software delivery and completion of deadlines. You can trust a provider who outlines a timeline and offers complete transparency and quality assurance. With a unique virtu employee model, our developers ensure to meet all your requirements.

Developers understand that your project's cost-effectiveness and schedule depend on project management. They help streamline execution and an array of In-house experts for guidance. You can ask your project management queries while outsourcing and leverage dynamic team scaling.

You can look for developers who have created quality applications in the past. Examine their work history and get referrals from their customers. Several B2B directories can help you find the perfect match. For example, Clutch is an excellent tool for quickly sorting through a long list of potential candidates. Here is some more information about top flutter app development companies.

Things to Look at before hiring Flutter Developers

We've outlined the essential qualities you should look for in Flutter app developers -

  • You can learn more about the Flutter mobile app development and an ideal choice for your needs with our verifiable flutter case study, client testimonials, and reviews.
  • Look at our prior mobile apps for Flutter, which we have developed.
  • You want developers who offer genuine partnerships and clearly understand the client's needs and goals.
  • If You want your software to remain on the market long, you require a healthy partnership to build a solid connection.

Evaluate the Hiring Models Ideal for Your Business

Being a business leader always involves hiring new developers, and the process involves more than just examining resumes and interviews. You will quickly be able to find and hire the top people, though, if the proper hiring and onboarding procedures are in place.

Your hiring process can benefit from a variety of recruiting models. The best-recruiting strategy can be determined with a quick assessment of the size and scope of your company's hiring and recruiting needs. However, it is essential to use the appropriate recruitment model to ensure the desired speed and cost of hiring a developer.

"Learning coding stretches your mind, helps you reflect better, add a perspective that I think is helpful in all domains." – Bill Gates

On a Concluding Note...

Flutter development is the most acceptable and one of the finest options for companies looking to swiftly and effectively develop applications for Android and iOS platforms. It can help you produce profitable results over the long term and meet all of your needs for cross-platform development. Our Flutter developers will meet your expectations while staying within your budget and project timetable. You can also use our team scaling services to fill in skill gaps to magnify your capabilities.

Clarion Technologies provides web applications, mobile apps, and custom software development for various industry verticals and business sectors. We offer end-to-end solutions to businesses and startups that need to scale their software development activities but lack the necessary knowledge. We support our clients to build a partnership and become a part of their DNA.

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